W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
How to count words in XLS with Anycount

Wonder how to count words in XLS? That’s how we do word count in spreadsheets.

Many translators complain that they have difficulties in word counting in XLS files. That made translators wonder if Excel has a word-count function? If it does, where can we find it? способы

You can use different methods of XLS characters count, such as:

Save your document in Unicode text format (TXT), and then open it in Microsoft Word. You know what to do next. You can also copy and paste the text into Word. Keep in mind that Word does not accurately count words and characters so that you can get inaccurate results. The software tends to count completely identical files very differently on various computers, and the difference in word count outcomes can be quite high.
AnyCount word-count software tool
Use word count software tailored for word count in XLS. AnyCount word count tool can calculate words and characters in all your XLS and XLSX files within seconds. Download AnyCount for free here.
Count words in XLS

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