W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
Anycount DOC format settings screenshot

Define What To Count

Settings in AnyCount determine which objects should or should not be included in count results. These may include numbers, footers, headers, text in shapes, and so on. After files and folders have been selected and added, click Settings button to

Select Count Units

Before starting counting process, ensure that you select right count units. These can be characters with spaces, characters without spaces, words, lines, pages or your own count units. Currently selected count unit is displayed in the bottom right corner of

Obtain Precise Results

In this post, we reveal the secret on how to get precise word count results! After you click the Count! button AnyCount Text Count Engine runs and produces word counts, line counts, page, or character counts for the documents you

Do you think writers and translators getting paid by word count only?

Writers And Translators Do Not Only Getting Paid By Word Count

It is commonly understood that writing professionals getting paid by word count. And most often it is so. But still, it is not the only way of defining the charge for your work.  And in some cases, word count is just not

Debates between translators about the charge for numbers continue

Should Translators Charge For Numbers

With the use of specialized word count tools giving the possibility to count words and numbers separately, the charge for the numbers in the source text is being discussed. Although it may seem obvious that translators “do nothing with the

Different word count results research and your word count tools

Different Word Count Results Research

As I stated in my previous post, I wanted to investigate the statement that MS Word usually shows less word count results than other word count tools. So I ran a little experiment, and I will be happy to share

Where do differences in word count and character count come from?

Why Are There Differences in Word Counts?

An experienced word count user may already have noticed that there can be slight and even substantial differences in word counts results produced by different word count tools. Surprised? Let’s find out what is the reason for that. Different word

Word count knowledge-base

Word Count Knowledge Base

It may appear that your profession is not a word counter. Not really? Then I guess you can be misled by some of the word count-related terms. So I place here several basic ones in the Word Count Knowledge Base.

Top 7 Tips on How You Can Reduce Word Count and Character Count

7 Tips to Reduce Word Count

It’s nice not to be limited in word count and write whatever you are up to just as you do on your personal blog or in your diary. But what if your absolutely perfect article doesn’t meet the word count

Word Count Journal. How to improve your word count?

Word Count Journal – Writer’s Discipline via Word Count

Today we will talk about what Word Count Journal is and how it can help with your writing. I do love ski-tech and all the new opportunities driven by progress. Web helps art and literature evolve. Some 30 years ago

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