W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
How to recognize text on images to make a word count?

When negotiating with a customer, a translator must be able to prepare a quote promptly. The translation tasks are very different, and the file formats for translation are just as varied. Your client can ask you to translate not only text files but also PDF or scanned documents. So how to extract text from images to make a word count? AnyCount 2021 OCR+ new functionality provides a competitive advantage to professionals who need to do word count in images and issue a quote in a blink of an eye.

If you haven’t used a professional word count tool before, we would like to show you AnyCount. A new version has just been released. The latest version features a robust optical character recognition (OCR) engine that can recognize text in 119 languages in PDF, PNG, JPG, BMP, and GIF. It allows you to count words and characters in images, which presents a new window of opportunity for translators and translation project managers.

Optical character recognition and word count experiment.

We decided to test the functionality of AnyCount 2021 OCR+ in action. To prove that the word count tool can easily extract text from images and count words, we took 15 scanned books from the library. We used books in different languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German, and French. Just look at the result! The quality of the scanned books was not ideal, but the AnyCount 2021 OCR+ word count tool performed flawlessly.

Experiment book text recognition

Just imagine, if you've read all of these books (and I bet you have), you've read 1,622,848 words.

book word count

AnyCount delivered the result of 1,622,848 words for 15 books. The longest book was The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, which contains, by the way, 280,469 words. AnyCount 2021 OCR+ extracted text from images and made a word count in all the books, even though the files were not the highest quality, and it’s fantastic!

AnyCount has even more to offer. The 2021 OCR+ version allows users to make text versions of all the counted files. This means that if you couldn’t copy text from a scanned document or photo before, you can now add it to the word count tool and then use the text files for your needs. For example, add this text to your CAT tool.

extracted text from images

If you don’t want to use several different applications for OCR and word count and just want to get word count results to issue a quote quickly and easily, try AnyCount. It’s completely free. Just download it here.

To count words and characters, you only need to open the word count tool, drag and drop as many files as you like and click on the “Count” button. Then you will see the counting results.

Try Anycount now!
Download the word count tool absolutely free.

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