W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
AnyCount 3D Release. Count from the web


ATLANTA, GEORGIA, December 7, 2016—Advanced International Translations (AIT) is pleased to announce the release of AnyCount 3D, the latest version of AnyCount. AnyCount 3D is the first-of-its-kind word-count software with the sophisticated ability to count words not only in saved documents but also directly from websites.

“We are thrilled with the new 3D version,” says Volodymyr Pedchenko, Managing Director at AIT. “AnyCount is the industry-standard word-count software, and its new functionality takes the word-count process to a whole new level. Now translators can grab content from any website and count its words in seconds. Once you have AnyCount 3D, it will never be a problem to count content that’s posted online.”

During negotiations with a client, it’s crucial for a translator to be able to prepare a quote quickly. Now that translating websites is a growing business for many translators. AnyCount 3D’s new functionality provides a valuable competitive advantage to professionals who need to calculate word length in website content and issue a quote in a moment.

AnyCount 3D processes thousands of web pages in a flash.

Using a link to the online version of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, AnyCount delivered the result of 27,181 words in only 8 seconds. It took just 9 seconds to count Relativity: The Special and the General Theory by Albert Einstein. It contains, by the way, 34,094 words. But what is really impressive is that AnyCount 3D counted the 588,038 words in Tolstoy’s War and Peace in just 45 seconds, and that is a result to be proud of.

Count words from websites

AnyCount has even more to offer. The 3D version allows users to impose depth limitations on text counts throughout the website; the user can easily choose how deep to fetch web pages for a word count. The higher the depth limit, the more transitions from one page to another that AnyCount 3D follows to count a text.

An important characteristic of the “Add from web” feature is that users can perform a word count on online files or pages in 37 file formats.

The AnyCount 3D user interface (UI) has also been modernized. Users can now choose from a variety of skins for a more pleasant visual experience. The new UI design delivers coherent usability and makes interaction with AnyCount 3D more intuitive.

About AIT

AIT is the leading supplier of translation management software for translation agencies and freelance translators. Since 1998, AIT has developed 11 software tools for translators and language service providers. AIT released its first translation management software in 2001. It now has more licensed users than any other company of its type.

AnyCount is the best-selling word-count tool designed specifically for professionals who work with texts and need precise character, word, line, or page counts. It powers the work of thousands of freelance translators, editors, and copywriters all around the world. AnyCount is the first of three products in AIT’s successful product line of efficiency tools for translators, which includes:

AnyCount—the most accurate word-count software and the industry standard, compatible with 70 file formats; counts words from websites.

Translation Office 3000—easy-to-use translation management software for freelance translators. It optimizes accounting for translation jobs and ensures business efficiency and profitability.

Projetex—industry-leading translation management software for translation agencies.

For more information, visit https://www.wordcountsoftware.com.

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