W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
How Many Words In One Page

I guess professional translators and other professionals who often deal with word and character count are well acquainted with this magic formula. Are you?

You may count your productiveness as, for example, 1 page per day. How much is it in characters? Characters with spaces? Lines? Being commonly asked to create text with a certain word count, I still sometimes get lost. So I took a page of plain text with a little formatting, and the statistics are…

Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Words Lines
10 pt 4972 4283 697 55
12 pt 3838 3311 535 46

Your word and character count may vary depending on page margin, applied font, font size, spacing, etc. For example, in a one page A4 with single line spacing, in Arial typeface are the following number of characters, words, and lines:

Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Words Lines
10 pt 5153 4391 769 93.7
12 pt 3542 3034 512 64.4
14 pt 2682 2307 378 48.8
16 pt 2129 1829 302 38.7

Once we change single to 1.5 line spacing in the text, figures contrast sharply:

Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Words Lines
10 pt 3426 2938 492 62.3
12 pt 2370 2039 332 43.1
14 pt 1840 1577 263 33.5
16 pt 1319 1123 196 24.0

Just to keep in mind, the average one spaced page usually contains about 3000 characters or 500 words. Depending on the text formatting, a page word count may include from 200 (large print) up to 600 words (academic book).

Count characters and words with the AnyCount tool for a precise estimate and get every single cent you’ve earned. Try it absolutely free here.

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