W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
Word Count Journal. How to improve your word count?

Today we will talk about what Word Count Journal is and how it can help with your writing. I do love ski-tech and all the new opportunities driven by progress. Web helps art and literature evolve. Some 30 years ago every writer was isolated during the creative process. If an author wanted to cooperate with another one, it doesn’t matter how. Learn from him or write a book together. They had to gather in one place and work from a single location.

But with interactive blogging, the situation changed. Both private and publicly shared blogs started providing the cooperation ground for writers at all levels. And how is all this related to the word count?

Well, everybody who tried writing something knows that having a general idea is one thing, and writing at least an A4 a day is another. All writers, both beginners, and masters need writing discipline. So a group of guys, who “wants to improve their writing and like building web apps” built a perfect discipline training tool called Word Count Journal.

The main idea of a Word Count Journal.

The idea of the Word Count Journal is simple. On the first day, you write 1 word, on the second day – 2, and at the end of the year, you have 66,795 words (in case you write only what you have to and not more). Like guys say: “Little by little, through the power of series, the total of your written words will add up to more words than contained in the average novel.”

I do like the idea. Just think it over once again. Word count of the everyday creative output trains you to write a page of unique content per day till the end of the year. By simply following the rule of writing 1 word more every next day you can become a commercial blogger, journalist, or prominent writer in the next 365 days.

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