W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
It sometimes happened that customers provide you with files for translation, editing, or proofreading with the HLP extension. For many experts, character count in the HLP file format may be challenging. Luckily, we know a word count solution.
AnyCount generates precise word counts, character counts, line counts and page counts of HLP files and produces accurate reliable results.

Some information about HLP:

Created by Microsoft
Description Microsoft WinHelp is a proprietary format. The help file format is based on Rich Text Format (RTF).
Built-in word count tools None
Word count process OCR Word Count Engine parses characters from the file and provides exact character, line, and word count.
Word count difficulty level Medium
Used in Help files that can be displayed by the Microsoft Help browser winhelp.exe or winhlp32.exe

How AnyCount make a Word Count, Character Count, Page Count and Line Count for HLP Files

AnyCount does not require special settings. For example, let’s select the HLP example file for counting words:

Example for counting words in hlp

AnyCount results:

  • counting characters with spaces in the character count software

Counting characters with spaces in hlp

  • counting characters without spaces in the character counter

Counting characters without spaces in hlp

  • counting lines in the line count tool

Counting lines in hlp

  • counting pages in the page count software

Counting pages in hlp

  • counting words in the word count tool

Counting words in hlp

After that you can:

  • view count results on the screen;
  • print count results;
  • export count results to .HTML, .DOCX, or .PDF formats.

You can download the HLP file and test it with AnyCount.

If you want to export HLP word count results to a different format, just write to us and we will try to help you!

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