W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
How to check the word count in Google Docs?

Today Google Docs is one of the most widely used web-based word processor to create, view, and edit files online while collaborating with colleagues or clients in real-time. Your clients also use it since the application is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats. But what about word count in Google Docs? We know that MS Word is not always accurate in its calculations. Is Google Docs better? Let’s find it out.

Activate word count in Google Docs

Word counting in Google Docs is not enabled by default, so you need to activate it via Tools > Word Count. You can also use the hotkeys Ctrl + Shift + C for Windows or Cmnd + Shift + C for Mac OS.

Google Docs Tool Word Count

If you suddenly forget where the setting is hiding, you can quickly find it through the search bar. Click Help and type Word Count.

Word count with Search bar in Google Docs

Pages, words, and characters count statistics.

Next, a pop-up window will appear in front of you, where you will find information about how many pages, words, characters, and characters, excluding spaces, are in your document.

Google Docs word count window

View word count on your screen as you type

If you want to have quick access to these statistics, you need to check the “Display word count while typing.”

Like in Microsoft Word, you can find word count in the lower-left corner of the screen. By clicking, you can see more detailed statistics.

Google docs word count while typing

Count words in a selected piece of text

If you need to count words in a particular piece of text, you just need to select a text fragment, and in statistics, you will see how many words you’ve chosen and how many words are in your document. This function also works in the same way as in MS Word.

Google Docs word-count bar
AnyCount word-count software tool

Better word count for Google Docs files with the AnyCount word count tool

Word count in Google Docs is pretty simplistic, and if you need to count words to determine the cost of a translation or proofreading service, it’s better to use a specialized word count tool.

To count words, characters, or lines in your document from Google Docs in AnyCount, you first need to download files to your computer. You can do this through File > Download. Here you can choose any of the suggested formats:

Google Docs Export

AnyCount supports almost every Google Docx export formats: DOCX, ODT, TXT, RTF, PDF, and HTML. After downloading, drag files into the AnyCount window and click on the count button.

AnyCount word count vs Google Docs

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