W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !

Use AnyCount Free Online Word Count Tool to count characters with or without spaces, words, unique words, sentences, and paragraphs in your text.

You can use AnyCount free online word-count tool to write your essay, email, article, blog post, marketing materials, advertising, and so on. Use it when you need your writing to be focused and concise, with a limited number of words. AnyCount free online word-count software will help you make sure that your word count complies with a particular requirement or stays within a specific limit.

Just roll your mouse cursor over the text field and start typing your text. Then you will be able to check your word or character count. You can also estimate precisely how many sentences, paragraphs, and unique words are in your writing.

The other way to check how many words your text contains is to copy-paste it from your file. You can easily edit your writing, remove redundant words or phrases, or add new content to make your text perfect.

Use the “unique words” counter to prevent the use of overused words in your writing. Avoid inaccurate, superlative phrases. There is nothing worse than the lack of original thought. Before writing your first word, think about what you want to tell; what is the main idea, your point of view, the message you want to convey. Don’t forget to check your word and character count on the right side of the text box from time to time.

If you need more functionality from your word-count tool, please download the AnyCount trial version. It’s completely free. You can use it for 30 days to count your documents and files in 70 file formats. You can also grab text from the websites.

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