W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
How to recognize text on images to make a word count?

How to recognize text on images to make a word count?

When negotiating with a customer, a translator must be able to prepare a quote promptly. The translation tasks are very different, and the file formats for translation are just as varied. Your client can ask you to translate not only

Harry Potter word count

Harry Potter Word Count. Counting Words In Your Favorite Books.

I bet you love reading books with exciting stories and adventures, beautiful descriptions, well-crafted characters, and the author’s attention to detail. You may be a translator, copywriter, or writer who enjoys the magic of words. And of course, you wondered

Word Count of top 100 popular books!

Word Count of top 100 popular books

Sometimes it feels like translators love reading like nobody else. Some translators prefer longer books, and some of them shorter. Book word count matters, don’t you think so? It’s easier to read or re-read short books since you spend less

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