W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
All the tricks for Translation Halloween were canceled, but treats are in force!

All the tricks for Translation Halloween were canceled, but treats are in force!

Let’s break the trick-or-treat cycle and dive into treats! We are not going to put on frighten costumes to scare you since we just want to please you with some boo-nuses. You can still wear your favorite encyclopedia costume or

Charge your cyber ​​translation powers

How to become a cyber translator? We know the secret!

Cyber ​​translators do not come from other planets. They don’t reinvent translation and word count machines in a top-secret base and don’t use X-ray vision for better translation and character count. But true cyber translators use the smartest technologies to

Trap the creepy translation and word count routine!

Trick or treat? Trap the creepy translation and word count routine!

Trick or treat? The truth is that nothing can scare super-duper translators in 2020… so here’s your prize: We treat you with the best software for translators! The management routine can be creepy, and we know how to trap it!

How Many Words In One Page

How Many Words In One Page?

I guess professional translators and other professionals who often deal with word and character count are well acquainted with this magic formula. Are you? You may count your productiveness as, for example, 1 page per day. How much is it

Translation Business Day

Let’s Celebrate Business Translation Day!

We continue to move forward through the translator’s calendar, and it is now time to devote our attention to the essential work of business translators. Translators make an invaluable contribution to enabling a business to become global, and it’s a

Word count in unrecognized PDF files

Word count in unrecognized PDF files

Imagine that you are a freelance translator, and your customer asked you to translate a file in PDF format. As usual, PDF files are recognized, and it is not a problem to count words. Just copy the text to MS

AnyCount 3D Release. Count from the web

Industry-standard word-count software helps translators earn more money translating websites

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, December 7, 2016—Advanced International Translations (AIT) is pleased to announce the release of AnyCount 3D, the latest version of AnyCount. AnyCount 3D is the first-of-its-kind word-count software with the sophisticated ability to count words not only in saved documents but

Do you think writers and translators getting paid by word count only?

Writers And Translators Do Not Only Getting Paid By Word Count

It is commonly understood that writing professionals getting paid by word count. And most often it is so. But still, it is not the only way of defining the charge for your work.  And in some cases, word count is just not

Debates between translators about the charge for numbers continue

Should Translators Charge For Numbers

With the use of specialized word count tools giving the possibility to count words and numbers separately, the charge for the numbers in the source text is being discussed. Although it may seem obvious that translators “do nothing with the

Different word count results research and your word count tools

Different Word Count Results Research

As I stated in my previous post, I wanted to investigate the statement that MS Word usually shows less word count results than other word count tools. So I ran a little experiment, and I will be happy to share

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