W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
Translation count units

What count units do translators use to bill for translation projects in different countries?

It’s not always obvious what units you should use when translating from different languages. Are text count units the same in different countries? Each language has its peculiarities, and count units may differ from country to country. Сountry Count Units

How many words in a paragraph?

How many words in a paragraph? And how do commercial writing and translation influence paragraph word count?

In the modern world, the issue of how many words in a paragraph is crucial to keep the reader’s attention. This skill is essential for both the copywriter and the translator, as the text word count can change significantly during

How many pages is 1000 words?

How many pages is 1000 words?

Everything in this life is relative, even when it comes to the word count. Let’s say you need to evaluate your productivity or figure out translation job volume in your head. Are 1000 words a lot or a little? How

The Beatles songs word-count

The Word Count of more than 200 The Beatles Songs Ranked from Longest to Shortest

By our estimates, The Beatles recorded 13 albums (not including BBC or live tracks), over 200 songs, and wrote over 39 000 words. We did a word count of all The Beatles songs, albums, estimated song average word count, and

Word-count of Inaugural addresses of US presidents

Word Count of the Inaugural Addresses of the US Presidents.

Does word-count matter? And what if it’s an Inaugural Address? It’s one of the most important speeches since this speech informs the people of the president’s intentions as a leader. Let’s take a look at the inauguration speeches of US

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