W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
Count words in Indesign

Unexpected ways to perform word count in InDesign.

In previous posts, we’ve discussed many ways to count words in PDF files, including word count in Adobe Acrobat Reader. But we don’t always use PDF readers to count words. Sometimes we need to count words in desktop publishing and

How Many Words In One Page

How Many Words In One Page?

I guess professional translators and other professionals who often deal with word and character count are well acquainted with this magic formula. Are you? You may count your productiveness as, for example, 1 page per day. How much is it

Word Count and Frequency Count

Word Count and Frequency Count Are Not the Same

With the winning march of Google as a search engine over the planet, search engine optimization became a milestone activity for many of the corporate webmasters. Lots of companies helping businesses to climb on top of the search emerged in

How to Count Word Statistic In An Image File For Free

How to Count Word Statistic In An Image File For Free

Let’s imagine that you are a freelance translator and your customer asked you to translate a contract. You eagerly agree and get… a scanned copy of the document. That’s cool if you have previously agreed that you are paid for

Learn More About Free Browser Word Count Add-in for Firefox

A Free Browser Word Count Add-in for Chrome and Firefox

Have you ever needed to conduct a word count of the words on a web-page? Have you ever solved this task by copying/pasting the content into a word processor and running a statistic tool from there? And what if there

Word count in unrecognized PDF files

Word count in unrecognized PDF files

Imagine that you are a freelance translator, and your customer asked you to translate a file in PDF format. As usual, PDF files are recognized, and it is not a problem to count words. Just copy the text to MS

Anycount DOC format settings screenshot

Define What To Count

Settings in AnyCount determine which objects should or should not be included in count results. These may include numbers, footers, headers, text in shapes, and so on. After files and folders have been selected and added, click Settings button to

Obtain Precise Results

In this post, we reveal the secret on how to get precise word count results! After you click the Count! button AnyCount Text Count Engine runs and produces word counts, line counts, page, or character counts for the documents you

Do you think writers and translators getting paid by word count only?

Writers And Translators Do Not Only Getting Paid By Word Count

It is commonly understood that writing professionals getting paid by word count. And most often it is so. But still, it is not the only way of defining the charge for your work.  And in some cases, word count is just not

Debates between translators about the charge for numbers continue

Should Translators Charge For Numbers

With the use of specialized word count tools giving the possibility to count words and numbers separately, the charge for the numbers in the source text is being discussed. Although it may seem obvious that translators “do nothing with the

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